Cats and Dog Can Coexist

Flower Essences and How They Work for Animals

Is your dog experiencing some emotional distress? Shaking or hiding during thunderstorms, barking at the UPS man, experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? A fear of the unknown? Suddenly becoming aggressive or territorial? Perhaps it is time to investigate and learn about how Flower Essences can assist your animal's emotional challenge.

Although flowers and plants with medicinal properties have been around for thousands of years and used extensively by indigenous tribes, modern day essences began their popular rise in the late 1800's through the work and medical research of Dr. Edward Bach in England.

Dr. Bach gave up practicing traditional medicine when he began observing that many of his patients were not making a full recovery with traditional medicines. He left his practice in the city and moved to the English countryside, where he began working in his gardens and tuning into to what he later termed the "signature properties of the flowers."

Following his hunches, Dr. Bach began prescribing some of the 38 flower essence remedies he named to his patients who he identified as experiencing emotional traumas or distress through an extensive questionnaire he had developed. Lo and behold, Dr. Bach began noticing major changes in his patients and roots causes of issues simply disappearing. And thus the Bach Flower Remedy line was born.

Today the Bach line is still going strong and dozens of Flower Essence producers are making excellent remedies.

The essences work based on an energetic frequency model for health. Each remedy addresses a specific issue that may be affecting the person or animal and subtly and gently assist by shifting the energy frequency that is imbalanced back into balance.

For instance, Mimulus works wonders for animals with known fears such as: thunderstorms and loud noises. Rock Rose addresses panic and terror issues, while Vine is great for animals exhibiting aggression and Rescue Remedy is excellent for anxious animals or animals experiencing stress or changing situations.

The wonderful thing about the essences is that they are inexpensive (about $16 for a bottle), non- toxic, are so easy to administer (just drop into your animals water) and they really work, often quite quickly (I have seen shifts in animals in as few as 5 minutes).

Flower Essences work wonders for animals (and humans) in distress on many levels. I utilize them extensively in my Animal Wellness and Animal Communication practices as I find them to hit the spot and address the roots cause not just the symptoms.

Alecia Evans is a professional Animal Wellness Consultant. She is an award winning producer and host of the 12 week Grassroots Aspen television series, "The Whole Animal," and a well known lecturer on the topics of Animal Communication and Natural Health and Healing for Animals. She consults with clients the world over, helping their animals get back on the road to health naturally. In addition, Alecia is an Expert Dog Trainer and Behavior Consultant who assists animals and their people creating harmonious relationships through new levels of awareness and understanding.

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The Sun Conure Parrot - 5 Reasons Why People Love Them

ByDebbie Davis

This parrot continues to be one of the most popular choices for pet birds. And while there are many other types of birds competing for adoption, here are 5 reasons it continues to be at the top of the list for adoption.

Colorful---Like their name suggests, they add a vibrant splash of color to a room whether they are sitting still or flying about. They don't start out that way. So if you adopt a young bird, don't be disappointed with the all the green feathers you're likely to see. This is nature's way of helping them survive by allowing them to blend in more easily with the trees.

They eventually turn to a stunning array of vibrant yellows, gold, oranges, and blues. Their mature colors dazzle the eye.

Manageable Size---Most birds at maturity are right around 12 inches long and weigh a whopping 4 ounces.

Easy To Train---Known for their high level of intelligence, they learn quickly and with gently and consistent training many can be taught to do pretty complex tricks. They love and need the attention, and the ground rules for behavior should be laid from the beginning and enforced gently and consistently adhered to by all family members.

Great Personalities---They are fun-loving and very active. However, "playing dead" has given many an owner near heart failure only to discover they are merely enjoying a snooze. They socialize well with humans, and children who know how to handle them. Interaction with children should always be supervised by a knowledgeable adult.

They can sometimes choose a favorite owner, but as long as all members of the family continue to interact, this should not cause a problem. That being said, each bird has its own personality. And what may be usual for most Conures may or may not be the same for the bird you adopt.

Reasonably Priced---Everything is relative, but as exotic birds go, Conures range in price from $250 to $350 when purchased from a reputable breeder. Pet stores are also an option, but having a veterinarian check them over before finalizing the adoption is recommended.

Adopting a rescue bird is another option, but unfortunately many of these birds have behavioral problems of their own or some caused by previous owners. Many times they are older birds and have developed habits that are nearly impossible to change. Acquiring a bird in this way is not recommended for the first time bird owner.

More than not, the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to this parrot. And making them part of the family typically adds a lot of sunshine to life.

Description This parrot continues to be one of the most popular choices for pet bird. And while there are many other types of birds competing for adoption, here are 5 reasons it continues to be at the top of the list for adoption.

Give your Sun Conure the gift of clean air 24 hours a day with the air purifier offered by at

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The Difficulties and Rewards of Working in a Pet Store

Working at a pet store is not something that all people are suitable for. While a job at a pet store may fit some people like a glove, it is entirely impossible for others. Those working in a pet store have to be true pet lovers to take care of so many different pets day after day, and have to be strong enough not to burst into tears when their favorite animal is sold. A lot of responsibilities come with the job as well, as they will be responsible for the safety and health of all the pets in the store. If one of them gets sick and is not treated in time, the responsibility falls on those taking care of the pet. Even those employed as simple sales men or women still have to assume responsibility for the pets in their care. Knowledge of products being sold in the shop is also required, as customers will require information on all products available, from simple hamster cages or squeaky toys to a large terrarium for their reptile friend.

Caring for the pets being sold in the store means more than simply feeding them and providing them with water. It also involves playing with them at regular intervals, to keep them happy, as well as cleaning their cages, or fish tanks, in the case of fish. Anyone who has ever cleaned a fish tank before knows that this is quite a lengthy process, especially as it also involves a complete cleaning of the filtration system, and a change of water. So taking care of the pets from the store does take a lot of time, and has to be done regularly, so only true animal lovers will be able to do this time after time.

Those working in pet stores also have to clean the cages of the other animals by removing all waste from them and disinfecting them at specific intervals of time. This is the only way to make sure that germs and other harmful bacteria do not affect the safety of the animals living inside. It is also extremely important to keep sick animals away from the others, as they may transmit the disease and eventually cause all the pets in the store to become infected.

A close relationship with a vet is required, and regular visits from the vet are highly recommended to ensure the well being of the pets being sold. Pet types should never be mixed, as there are germs and diseases that, while harmless to a rat, may cause the death of a lizard. Keeping them close together, even if in different cages, is a certain way of infection, so it should be avoided at all costs. Naturally, keeping hamsters close to predatory animals is also not a good idea, even if they are only young.

There are a lot of people who come to pet stores to sell a great variety of pets, at a very small age, because they do not have room to keep them, or the money to feed them. While this is understandable in some cases, some only do this for a profit, and it should be noted that many types of animals will not be able to properly develop without support from their mother. It is very important for most pets to stay close to their mother until they are at least 2 months old, to properly develop, and they should not be purchased until then.

Working in a pet store offers numerous personal rewards, as there is no better feeling than seeing all the pets cheer up in the morning when they see the sale men and women arrive to work. It can also be difficult, especially for those with limited knowledge of hamster cages, for example, or other similar products such as a terrarium or a rabbit hutch. Customers are sometimes extremely well prepared and know exactly what they want, and not knowing how to answer their questions can lead to problems. However, pet lovers everywhere will find no better position than those offered in a pet store, if they want to remain close to numerous types of animals, all looking for some love and attention.

Leah Williams writes articles for Supapet, a pet store that offers a range of products for different animals. Whether you are looking for hamster cages or dog leads, Supapet have a wide selection to choose from, also catering for lizards and amphibians with their range of terrarium accessories.

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Pet First Aid - Be Prepared for Any Emergency

New Years' Resolutions for Pet Owners

Happy New Year! When we think of the first month of a new year, we probably ponder all the resolutions to make for our personal and professional growth. We want to lose weight, eat better, and maybe work toward improving skills to do well at work. If you have a feline or canine companion at home, you may wish to consider adding a few resolutions and include your dog or cat in on your plans for improvement. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

1) Commit to daily walks so you both get in your exercise. We like to make excuses for not getting in shape - we have to work, we have to take our kids to their practices, and so on. When the dog needs to go out, at best we may just circle them around the neighborhood, but that's not always a good, healthy walk. Consider broadening your walk circuit with your dog so that he/she gets his exercise, too. With cats, you may not walk them as you would a dog, but it's a good idea to engage in some kind of exercise program with yours to keep him/her and you fit.

2) Groom your pets regularly. Keep an eye on fleas and ticks, and watch those paws and claws, too. A clean and well-groomed pet is a healthy one, and the more attention you give could mean less problems with the veterinarian as far as skin issues are concerned. Taking the time to properly groom your dog or cat also helps you bond with them. Give it a try - you'll enjoy the time spent.

3) Keep regular veterinarian visits. Speaking of the vet, don't sacrifice doctors' visits. Your pet's health is vital, and if you suspect something is wrong and you are not schooled in veterinary medicine it's best to leave any diagnosis to a doctor. Regular check-ups for preventative measures can help keep your dog or cat feeling great.

4) Include your pet. Your dog or cat is part of the family - therefore it makes sense to consider his/her wants and needs when you travel and when emergencies arise.

Make this year the one you and your pets grow in happiness and health. Whether you are a new pet owner or have had a four-legged friend at home for some time, making New Years' resolutions to help you and your pets can start the year off right.

Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on pet supplies and pet care products.

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Tips For Preventing Giving Your Pet a Stupid Name

BySharon E Hearst

I have had dogs and cats all my life. The ones I named by myself have always had unique, interesting names, many being named after characters in mythology or classic literature. The ones I allowed someone else to name have often been something that I really didn't want to be yelling out into the street at night to get them to come home for bed.

Before naming your pet, you have to consider how you will feel calling it in public. The all-time worst pet name I have been saddled with was "Fart", name by an eight year-old boy who considered that to be the all-time greatest joke.

When I go to the dog park, I find an amazing array of animal names. There are dogs named Bob, Charlie, and Angus. These names are fun, and sometimes related to the breed. No one will take offence if you call your dog Bob, not even if their own name is Bob. Be careful with using people's names, though. My little dog "Emma" had to have a name change to "Mia" when my son became serious about a girl named Emma.

There are also the "high society" names of the show dogs and cats, often with "of" somewhere in the phrase. These are, of course, intended to impress judges with the impressive heritage of the animal. The name alone proves that the dog or cat in question deserves "Best of Show".

Most of us do not intend to show or breed our animals. We want a family pet who is just another one of us, except with four legs. If Doug or Susie is a good enough name for one of our children, then there's no reason for the dog or cat's name to be any more imaginative. Although, if Doug or Susie are named after a favourite grandparent, then the same rule may not be applied to the family dog. Grandpa Doug would not be impressed.

Dogs don't have a very good command of language, so you want to make the name short, with a maximum of two syllables. That's about all they can understand. One syllable is preferable. "Butch" is easy for a dog to decipher. As mentioned earlier, you want the name to be something that you can repeat in public. Although your dog may, in fact, be a bitch, it's not advisable to name her that.

Your dog's name defines you to people you meet as much as it identifies your dog. Naming your pet after a favourite book, movie, vacation spot, food, or pastime will give you an identity as well. If you spend a few days with your pet before naming him or her, the animal's own personality might be the clue to their name. The name "Digger" might be just right. The names "Thing One" and "Thing Two" would be perfect for a pair of Hairless Chinese Creasteds. A humourous or ironic name lets people know that you have a sense of humour. A chihuahua named "Killer" is just to elicit grins from anyone who meets it, and you.

Before you tell your child or children that they can choose a name for the family pet, make sure you set out some ground rules. "Fluffy" might not be something that you want to have to repeat for 15 years. A stupid name lasts forever. My son's choice of "Ukulele Aloysius Hucklebuck" was shortened to Yuki, and everyone was happy, including the dog.

When naming a cat, the rules are much easier. Just give it a name that acknowledges its majesty and superior intellect, such as Cleopatra or Shakespeare. Remember, with cats, there isn't the issue of you calling its name over and over in public. It will just ignore you, anyway.

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